OA Remote Training

Training at Optimum Athletes is not exclusive to Sacramento, CA.

Remote training at Optimum Athletes allows us to connect to athletes who aren’t directly in the Sacramento but have the desire to receive more precise coaching.

Remote programming includes hitting, lifting, mobility, throwing, and recovery. All drills and exercises come with detailed videos that explain and clarify how to properly execute them. If possible we like our remote athletes to come into the facility 2-3 times per week for higher volume days such as bullpen days or pull down velocity days.

  • In Gym Access

    Ability to use the Optimum Athletes facility in Sacramento, CA two days a week and work in person with your remote trainer.

  • In Person or online assessment

    Access to Uplift, Hawkin Dynamics forceplates, Trackman, and Hittrax in gym. Zoom remote assessment option as well.

  • Remote Training powered by TRAQ

    Access to Driveline’s mobile data-driven baseball player development program for remote training.

  • Data Generated Player Reports

    Full evaluation reports specified to each remote trainee’s profile with improvement milestones.

Remote Training FAQs

  • We want to give every baseball player the opportunity to work with our Optimum Athletes team. We recognize that our gym may not be located in a convenient location for day to day training, but all OA remote trainees have the opportunity to access the gym two days a week and can run through our full assessment in person. Our training staff will go through the specific assessment data and create a tailor made training plan specifically for each remote trainee.

  • Each OA remote trainee should have the ability to access a gym for workouts and strength training, Pocket Radar, Plyos, Tripod/Phone, Field/Mound access and Bands. Specific purchase needs can be provided by your remote trainer.

  • If the in gym assessment option is available for the remote trainee, our training staff would put the athlete through use of force plates, Uplift and Trackman bullpens, mobility screening and Hittrax hitting. The remote assessment process involves a detailed series of mobility movements under the watchful eye of our training staff on a Zoom meeting.